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Terms and conditions

Ditto Online Language Services – Terms and Conditions


Article 1.



The capitalized terms used in the Terms and Conditions have the following meanings:

Ditto – an online language school run by Lingualand sp.z o.o. with its seat in Krakow, 31-128, ul. Karmelicka 45, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs kept by the District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków, XI Commercial Division of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000594808, and possessing share capital to the amount of PLN 50,000, with NIP (VAT number): 6762499047, REGON: 36336483800000

Civil Code – Act of 23 April 1964 Civil Code (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2016, item 380, as amended).

Course fee – the amount due to Ditto, payable in full or in instalments according to the amount, date and form specified in the Terms and Conditions and the Order.

Access code – the internet address enabling the Participant to install an application enabling audio-video transmission and providing remote access to lessons organized as part of the Course.

Course – a service provided by Ditto electronically via the Zoom platform, comprising a series of language classes in which the Participant has the right to take part, according to the subject matter and times specified in the Order.

Group lesson – a 60-minute audio-visual link that takes place in real time via the Internet, with a language trainer and other Participants, where the total number of Participants in the group cannot exceed 4 people.

Individual lesson – a 45-minute audio-visual link with a language trainer that takes place in real time via the Internet.

Order – a form containing basic information about the Course, including the language taught, the number of lessons, the time of the lesson and the course fee.

Participant – a person who has the right to participate in individual lessons or group Lessons as a result of placing an Order and accepting these Terms and Conditions.

Participant’s Guardian – a natural person with full legal capacity and authority to act on behalf of a Participant without full legal capacity

Purchaser – the Participant or Participant’s Guardian – a person who concludes the Agreement by completing the Order and accepting the Terms and Conditions.

Customer – a natural person who engages in a legal transaction with an entrepreneur not related directly to his own business or professional activity.

Platform – an ICT system within the meaning of the on the Provision of Electronic Services Act of 18 July 2002 by means of which the Course is taught and organized, which belongs to: Zoom Video Communications Inc. 55 Almaden Blvd, 6 th Floor, San Jose, CA 95113.

Terms and conditions – the present Terms and Conditions of the Course, constituting an integral part of the Agreement.

Article 2

Conclusion of the Agreement and Right of Withdrawal;

1. The Agreement is concluded remotely, without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties, between Ditto and the Participant or, respectively, between Ditto and the Participant’s Guardian authorized to act on behalf of the Participant.
2. The Agreement is concluded by filling in and sending the Order form and accepting the Terms and Conditions or remotely by means of an electronic signature application or via e-mail by sending a return message containing acceptance of the terms of the Course and acceptance of the Terms and Conditions.
3. The Agreement is concluded for a specified period of time, i.e .:
3.1. In the case of a group course – from the date of the conclusion of the Agreement to the date of the end of the group lessons comprising the purchased course
3.2. In the case of an individual course – from the date of conclusion to the time of the completion of all the purchased lessons.
4. In the case of an individual course, a Participant may extend the Agreement by purchasing an additional Package of Lessons.
5. Ditto sets the starting date of the Course as well as the lesson schedule according to the preferences specified by the Participant. The start date and schedule are indicative in character as they may change for technical reasons or, in the case of a group course, due to an insufficient number of participants having registered for the course. Ditto will confirm the Course start date with the Participant and send the Participant a detailed schedule by e-mail.
6. The level of language proficiency of a Participant in a Non-Beginner Course is determined on the basis of an online placement test performed by Ditto and / or an interview with a teacher.
7. If the Participant does not accept the proposed schedule and start date before commencing the Course, the Participant has the right to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect. Ditto shall reimburse the Participant within 14 days of the date of termination.

Article 3

Technical requirements and conditions for the provision of remote services

1. To participate in the Course effectively, the Participant should have access to the following technical and hardware equipment:
a) a Computer
b) a Camera (built-in or external)
c) a Microphone (built-in or headset)
d) Recommended: headphones with a microphone (reduced noise)
e) Internet with a minimum speed of 1 Megabit T
he detailed technical and hardware requirements are available at:ętowe.pdf
2. The Course participant acknowledges that:
a) the software necessary for the proper operation of the services has been automatically downloaded and installed online from the website indicated by Ditto, after the Participant has logged into the first class. The participant should have full authorization to install the software on his device;

b) The Participant should be able to install additional plug-ins in the web browser;
c) due to the Internet transmission speed, it is recommended that the Participant close all other programs using the Internet connection during classes.

Article 4

Declarations, organization of the Course.

1. Ditto declares that it has at its disposal all the technical and essential conditions, knowledge, means and resources necessary for the proper conduct of the Course.
2. Ditto provides services to the Participant to the extent and under the conditions set out in these Regulations.
3. The participant confirms that they meet the technical and hardware requirements referred to in § 3 of the Terms and Conditions and undertakes to install the application referred to in the definition of the Access Code, and in connection with the installation and use of the application as part of the Course, the Participant does not incur any fees, including license fees.
4. The participant confirms that they meet the technical and hardware requirements referred to in § 3 of the Regulations and undertakes to install the application referred to in the definition of the Access Code, and in connection with this installation and use of the application as part of the Course, the Participant does not bear any fees, including license fees.
5. The number of Lessons available as part of the Course is guaranteed, which means that if, for any reasons attributable to Ditto, any of the Lessons will not take place on the date specified in the Course schedule or if the date of a Lesson according to the course schedule fell on a statutory public holiday other than Sunday, the Course will continue according to the Course schedule until all the Lessons included in the Course are completed. If Ditto is unable for any reason to provide the specified number of lessons by the scheduled completion date of the course, the difference between the payments made and the value of lessons completed will be returned to the Purchaser by bank transfer within 14 days of the actual completion of the Course.
6. In the case of Individual Lessons, the Participant is entitled to cancel up to 25% of the Lessons planned in the coure schedule in a calendar month, with the proviso that the Participant is obliged to inform Ditto about the cancellation at least 24 hours prior the planned Lesson, and in the case of classes taking place on Mondays – by 6:00 p.m on the preceding Friday. A failure to meet the cancellation deadline will result in the Lesson being deemed completed. Notification of the cancellation of a lesson should be sent by e-mail to the following address:
7. 2. Ditto reserves the right to have the Lessons monitored by an observer whose task is to supervise the course of the classes and the teacher’s work and to verify the quality of the teaching.
8. The Participant acknowledges that the Courses are registered and then made available to the Participant for the duration of the Course and for 2 weeks after its completion. A participant taking an individual course has the right to withdraw from the course
9. Due to the nature of the Courses, an integral feature of which is registration of the Student’s image during the course, the Participant agrees to the sharing and recording by Ditto of their image for other Participants in the group as well for other observers supervising the teacher’s work, for the period indicated in section 8 above. To ensure all the functionalities of the Course are utilized, the microphone and the camera should be turned on each time to enable the transmission of image and sound. The participant is aware that refraining to utilize the above-mentioned options may impair the quality and effectiveness of the Course.

Article 5


1. The fee for the Course is specified in the Order. The fees specified in the Order are gross amounts. The Course fee does not include the cost of the textbook or exercise materials in book or electronic version, which the Participant may require in some Courses to follow and complete the Course.
2. Payment for the Course may be made in full or in instalments for the package of Lessons specified in the Order, under the terms and conditions specified in the Order.
3. In the case of payments made in instalments, the Participant undertakes to pay the instalments in accordance with the Course information prepared by Ditto. The information shall specify the package of Lessons or Classes paid for by the Participant with a particular instalment within the prescribed date.
4. Payment can be made in the following ways: electronic payment, payment by credit card, BLIK payments via Dotpay or by bank transfer to the account indicated in the Order confirmation. Possible current electronic payment channels are specified both in the Order and on the following website: //
5. Transactions via electronic payments and payment cards are made via the Dotpay service. The payment service is provided by: Dotpay Sp. z oo, with its registered office in Kraków, ul. Wielicka 28b 30-552 Kraków, registered by Kraków-Śródmieście District Court in the 11th Commercial Division the National Court Register as number 0000700791, with the NIP number 634-26-61-860, NIP EU PL6342661860, REGON number 240770255 and share capital to the amount of PLN 4,000,000.00, fully paid in cash
6. In the event of non-payment by the due date specified in the Course information provided by Ditto, Ditto may terminate the Agreement with immediate effect. Notification of such termination shall be made in document form within the meaning of Art. 77 (3) of the Civil Code. On termination of the Agreement the participant is denied access to the Course.
7. In the event that the Participant must be reimbursed for funds for a transaction made by the Participant with a payment card, Ditto will refund the amount due to the bank account linked to the Participant’s payment card.
8. If the Participant pays the next instalment after the final lesson constituting part of a package paid for in accordance with the Course information prepared by Ditto in accordance with paragraph 3, access to the Course shall be extended from the date of the last paid Lesson as part of the previously paid lesson package.
9. The Course fee includes the costs related to the teaching of the course as well as the costs incurred in preparing and organizing the Course. In connection with the above, the costs incurred by Ditto in organizing and preparing an Individual course and proportionally for one Participant of the group course amounts to PLN 129.

Article 6

Rights and obligations of the Participant

1. The Participant undertakes to pay the Course Fee as stipulated in the Order and in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.
2. The participant undertakes to comply with the Terms and Conditions. If the Course Agreement is concluded by the Participant’s Guardian, the Participant’s Guardian is obliged to ensure that the Participant complies with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
3. In order to use the Platform the Participant must first register with and accept the terms and conditions of the external service provider, i.e. Zoom Video Communications Inc. 55, available at https: // zoom. us/terms
4. The Participant has right of access to educational materials in the electronic version prepared by Ditto. The participant may use the teaching materials only within the scope permitted for personal use. The participant is not entitled to use the shared materials beyond the scope permitted for protected works, on pain of infringing proprietary copyrights to the works contained in the teaching materials. In particular, they may not use these materials for commercial purposes. Any content contained in the materials provided to the Participant by Ditto in connection with the Course, conforming to the meaning of a work as specified in the Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights, is subject to Ditto’s proprietary copyrights or – in the event of works exploited by Ditto under license agreements concluded with the owners of proprietary copyrights – is subject to the proprietary copyrights of third parties.
5. The participant is prohibited from:
a. addressing other Participants or the Teacher in a vulgar or offensive manner or in a way that offends their dignity,
b. impersonating another Participant;
c. enabling a person other than the Participant to participate in the Course.
d. using the Platform in a way that violates or aims to violate applicable law, the good practices or personal interests of third parties; in particular the Participant is forbidden to supply illegal content or infringe intellectual property rights; e. record and distribute recordings of the classes, including images of other Participants and the Teacher.

Article 7

Rights and obligations of Ditto

Ditto undertakes to fulfil its obligations under this Agreement with due care.
2. Ditto is responsible for the quality of the services provided under the Course Agreement, and in accordance with the Order.
3. Ditto undertakes to provide the Participant with teaching materials in an electronic version adapted to the language level of the Course.
4. Ditto undertakes to provide the Participant with technical assistance to the extent necessary for the proper conduct of the Course – before the first lesson and during the Course.
5. Ditto is not responsible:
i) for any damage resulting from the Participants’ use of the Platform in a manner inconsistent with the Terms and Conditions or the law, ii) in cases where the Participant does not ensure the minimum hardware and software requirements.
6. Ditto has the right to discontinue the provision of services in the event of a breach by the Participant of the present Terms and Conditions, the law or the principles of community life in connection with participating in the Course.

Article 8

Personal data

1. The data controller responsible for administering the Participant’s personal data during the course, including images recorded during the classes, is Lingualand sp.z o.o. with its seat in Kraków, , ul. Karmelicka 45 31-128 Kraków
2. The purpose, legal basis and time of personal data processing:
a) for the performance of the Agreement – the legal basis – to process the data needed to conclude and perform the Agreement. The personal data is processed until the claims under the Agreement are time-barred or until the obligation to maintain accounting documents expires. Images recorded during the course will be processed in accordance with Art. 4 section 9 of the Terms and Conditions for a period of up to 2 weeks from the end of the Course.
b) in the event of a need to pursue claims and consideration of complaints related to the Agreement, which is the legitimate interest of the data controller The data will be processed until such claims are time-barred.
c) for the direct marketing of the data controller’s own products and services (including profiling) (this does not apply to images recorded during classes) – legal basis – the legitimate interest of the data controller, which is the direct marketing of its services. The Participant’s personal data will continue to be processed until the Participant or the Participant’s Guardian objects to such marketing or profiling.
3. Data recipients:
a) authorized employees of the data controller,
b) service providers entrusted with the task of processing personal data for the purposes of providing services for the data controller, in particular entities such as a Call Center, IT service providers, in particular Zoom Inc. based in the United States, online payment companies, accounting companies, debt collection companies, advertising agencies, companies providing mailing services, logistics and courier services, law firms and external auditors, and their authorized employees – to the extent necessary for the proper performance of the services provided by Lingualand Lingualand sp. z o.o.
4. Data for the conclusion of the Agreement and the running of the Course is provided voluntarily, but a failure to provide such data may make impossible the conclusion of the Course Agreement or the teaching of the Course. Failure to share images during online classes may impair quality and effectiveness of the Course. Data for marketing purposes is provided voluntarily.
5. Owing to the use of an IT system provided by an external supplier, it may be necessary to transfer personal data to recipients in third countries (i.e. outside the European Economic Area); however, we ensure that the data is properly secured. Therefore, we only work with entities that have a valid Privacy Shield licence (in the United States) or have signed an agreement with us based on Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission. Both solutions guarantee the security of the processed data at least at the level applicable in the European Union.
6. The Participant / Guardian of the Participant has the right to:
a) access the data provided as well as the right to request the rectification, deletion or restriction of the data processed;
b) object to the processing of data for the purposes of direct marketing, including profiling; d) transfer personal data, i.e. receive from Lingualand sp.z o.o. the personal data of the Participant / Guardian of the Participant, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, in the case of data processed in order to conclude and execute the Course Agreement. The Participant / Guardian of the Participant may transfer this data to another data controller.
e) limit data processing or delete such data (“the right to be forgotten”)
f) lodge a complaint with a supervisory body dealing with the protection of personal data.
7. If the Participant or Guardian of the Participant has any questions regarding the processing of personal data or wishes to exercise their rights, express or withdraw their consent or raise objections, they are requested to use the following contact options:
a) e-mail address:
b) traditional mail: Lingualand sp.z o.o., ul. Karmelicka 45, 31-128 Kraków, and include the reference term “personal data”
c) telephone number: 884 001 608 (connection charges based on the operator’s tariff)

Article 9

Termination of the Agreement

1. The Purchaser has the right to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect if, for reasons attributable to Ditto, four successive lessons are not held. Ditto shall reimburse the Purchaser for that portion of the payment covering lessons not completed after the termination.
2. Ditto has the right to terminate the Agreement with immediate effect if the Participant’s behaviour during the lesson makes it impossible to conduct the lessons or violates the personal interests of the trainer or other Course Participants, or when the Participant performs the actions prohibited in section §6 5.
3. The Participant has the right to terminate the Agreement at any time without providing any reason. The notice period is 30 days or, in the case of a Course lasting less than 2 months, 7 days. Termination may be submitted in the form of an e-mail sent to the following address: The termination should contain at least the name and surname / name of the Purchaser, e-mail address and a declaration by the Participant that the Agreement is terminated.
4. In the event of the Course Agreement being terminated the Participant shall be refunded payment after deducting that part of the payment covering that part of the Course completed by Participant together with the costs incurred in the preparation and organization of the Course as specified in par. 5, point 9.
5. If the Course Agreement is terminated for no valid reason, the refunded amount will be reduced by the amount indicated in art. 5 sec. 9 of the Terms and Conditions.
6. A Group Course lasting more than 2 months may be cancelled within the first three weeks of the date of the commencement of the classes, if the group size is less than 60% of the maximum size specified in the Order. In such a situation, the Purchaser has the right to withdraw from the Course Agreement, and Ditto will reimburse the Purchaser for the payments made, while simultaneously deducting payment for those classes that have already taken place.

Article 10

Course Agreements concluded by the Customer

1. The provisions of the Terms and Conditions shall apply to Course Agreements concluded by the Customer, taking into consideration the provisions of Art. 10.
2. Withdrawal.
a. In the event of Distance Agreements concluded remotely, the Consumer has the right to withdraw from the Course Agreement without giving any reason within a period of 14 days by submitting an appropriate declaration before the expiry of the 14-day period from the date of the conclusion of the Agreement. The Customer is provided with a withdrawal form at the time the Course Agreement is concluded.
b. A declaration of withdrawal from the Agreement may be submitted using the model withdrawal form – Annex 1 to the Terms and Conditions, or by means of a declaration in any form that clearly and explicitly demonstrates a desire to withdraw from the Agreement. The declaration should include:
– the date of the conclusion of the Agreement,
– the name of the Course which the Agreement concerns,
– the Bank account number.
c. In the event of the Customer’s effective withdrawal from the Agreement, the Agreement shall be deemed not to have been concluded.
d. Immediately, no later than 14 days from the date of receipt of the Consumer’s declaration of withdrawal from the Agreement, Ditto shall return to the Customer all payments made by the latter.
3. If a Customer exercises their right to withdraw from the Course Agreement after submitting a request to provide them with the Course before the expiry of the 14-day withdrawal period, i.e. the Customer takes part in at least one lesson as part of the purchased Course, they are deemed to have consented to the commencement of the provision of services without the 14-day withdrawal period. After they have begun to use the service, the Customer is still entitled to terminate the Agreement at any time subject to the terms set out in § 9 of these Terms and Conditions.
4. Extrajudicial means of settling complaints and seeking redress.
a. The Customer has the option of resolving complaints and seeking redress by extrajudicial means. The Customer may, in particular, seek mediation organized by the voivodship inspectorates of the Trade Inspection Authority or through consumer arbitration courts operating under the supervision of regional inspectorates of the Trade Inspectorate Authority or seek an out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes as specified in the Act of 23 September 2016 on the Out-of-Court Resolution of Consumer Disputes ( Journal of Laws of 2016, item 18123, as amended) overseen by authorized entities within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 23 September 2016 on the Out-of-Court Resolution of Consumer Disputes (Journal of Laws of 2016, item 18123) as amended) A register of the entities authorized to conduct proceedings involving the out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes is kept by the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, and is available at b. The use of out-of-court procedures for pursuing complaints and seeking redress is voluntary and both parties must agree to the procedure.
c. Detailed information on extra-judicial means of settling complaints and seeking redress, as well as the rules of access to these procedures, including the out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes referred to in the Act of 23 September 2016 on the Out-Of-Court Resolution of Consumer Disputes (Journal of Laws of 2016, item 18123, as amended), are available in the offices and on the websites of poviat (municipal) consumer ombudsmen, social organizations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection, voivodship inspectorates of the Trade Inspection Authority, e.g. at the following address: and on the websites of Authorized Entities. Detailed information on the operation and organization of trade inspection bodies involved in the out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes is specified in the Regulation of the Prime Minister of May 17, 2017 on the Rules Governing the Organization and Operation of Trade Inspection in the Out-of-Court Resolution of Consumer Disputes.

Article 11


1. Ditto makes every effort to ensure that the Participant is able to acquire new language skills. Due to the fact that when learning a foreign language the effects depend on many factors that do not fall within the scope of the service, Ditto does not guarantee that a Participant will be able to master a foreign language at any level of language proficiency.
2. Ditto is not responsible for the results of the language exams taken by the Participant after the Course.
3. Ditto is not responsible for the operation of the device used by the Participant nor for any lack of internet access or interference with Internet access on the Participant’s side.
4. The Participant is responsible for payment for the Course and for any harm caused to Ditto in connection with the non-performance or improper performance of this Agreement.
5. Ditto’s total liability in the case of Participants who are not Customers is limited to the amount actually paid for the course.

Article 12


1 For sending inquiries and complaints, Ditto provides the following e-mail address: Inquiries and complaints may also be submitted by letter or in person at Ditto’s headquarters at ul. Karmelicka 45, 31-128 Krakow 2. The Purchaser has the right to file a complaint in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Civil Code regarding the non-performance or improper performance of the service by Ditto.
3. The complaint should contain the following:
a) Customer designation (name, surname, address, e-mail address, and in the case of legal persons, the name, postal address and details of the person authorized to handle matters related to the submitted complaint and its e-mail address);
b) the subject and justification of the complaint, as well as the expectations of the Purchaser.
4. Ditto will submit its response to the claim presented in the complaint within 14 days of the date the complaint was filed by the Customer. Ditto’s failure to respond to the submitted complaint within the above-mentioned period shall be deemed to be acknowledgment of the claim.
5. Ditto does not provide any guarantee for the Course in the meaning defined in the Civil Code.

Article 13


1. If the Course Agreement is entered into as part of a promotion organized by Ditto (hereinafter, referred to as “Promotion”), the terms of the Promotion shall also apply to the Course Agreement.
2. Unless otherwise stated in the terms of a given Promotion:
Course discounts
2.1. If, by concluding the Course Agreement according to the terms of the Promotion, the Purchaser obtains a discount, then:
a) when the Purchaser terminates the Course Agreement covered by the Promotion without providing any valid reason, either before or during the Course, they then loses the right to the discount;
b) if the Purchaser terminates the Course Agreement covered by the Promotion for valid reasons either before or during the Course, the discount provided under the Promotion will be reduced in such a way that is in proportion to the number of course classes completed by the Purchaser and to which the discount applies.
Promotions for the purchase of two courses
2.2. If the Purchaser concludes a Course Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Course 1”) according to the terms of the Promotion and obtains a discount on another Course (hereinafter referred to as “Rate 2”), then:
a) if the Purchaser terminates the Agreement for Course 1 before commencing classes from Course 2, they lose the right to receive a discount on Course 2. In such a situation, if the Purchaser wishes to use Course 2 (concluding an Agreement for Course 2 is entirely voluntary) they will be obliged to pay the full price for the classes of Course 2, as specified in the Agreement for Course 2.
b) if for reasons that are valid the Purchaser terminates the Agreement for Course 1 after having commenced classes from Course 2, the discount granted for the Course 2 classes will be reduced in such a way that is proportional to the number of Course 1 classes completed by the Purchaser, the Agreement for which has been terminated. In such a situation, the Purchaser will be obliged to pay the fee for classes in Course 2 to an amount equal to the full price of the above-mentioned. classes, as specified in the Agreement for Course 2 concluded by the Purchaser and reduced proportionally by the value of the discount granted.
c) if the Purchaser terminates without valid reason the Agreement for Course 1 after the start of Course 2, the Purchaser will be obliged to pay the full price for the Course 2 classes.
2.3. The sums referred to in point 2.2, subpoint a), subpoint b) or subpoint c) should be paid into Ditto’s bank account number within 7 days of the Purchaser’s submission of a declaration of termination of the Agreement for Course 1. In the case of a Course lasting longer than 2 months, Ditto may indicate a longer time limit for making a payment upon presentation of a settlement of all payments resulting from the termination of Course 1.
Promotions connected with the purchase of three courses. The provisions of clause 2.2 shall apply accordingly if the Purchaser concludes the Agreement for Course 1 (hereinafter “Course 1”) and the Agreement for Course 2 (hereinafter “Course 2”) under the terms of the Promotion, obtains a discount on the third Course (hereinafter referred to as “Course 3”).

Article 14

Final provisions

1. The Terms and Conditions come into effect on 12 March 2021 and replaces the version published on 17 April 2020.
2. In the event of a change to the Terms and Conditions, the Participant shall be notified by electronic mail via the e-mail address provided by the Participant. The Participant will be informed at least 2 weeks in advance of the planned date of the amended Terms and Conditions coming into effect. At the same time, in the event that the Participant decides not to accept the changes to the Terms and Conditions presented to them, they will have the right to discontinue the Services. Amendments may be introduced in the Terms and Conditions for valid reasons, including because of changes in the technical requirements of IT service providers that are necessary for the proper performance of services.
3. The consolidation, protection and sharing of Order data takes place via e-mail.
4. By accepting the Terms and Conditions the Customer is deemed to have consented to the provision by Ditto of the information referred to in Art. 12 of the Consumer Rights Act, provided in electronic form via e-mail and without issuing a paper version of the Terms and Conditions
5. In matters not covered by the Terms and Conditions, the relevant provisions of the Civil Code, the Act on Providing Services by Electronic Means, and, in the case of purchase of the Course by a Customer, the provisions of the Consumer Rights Act of May 30, 2014, shall apply
6. These Terms and Conditions as well as the Order are governed by the laws of Poland.

Ditto Online Language School
+48 884 099 066, Karmelicka 45/6, 31-128 Krakow, Poland