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German courses online

German courses online

Our German courses are the second most popular Ditto courses we offer. This is not at all surprising, since the number of international companies looking for employees with fluent German is high and rising. Fluency in speaking German, however, is not easy to achieve and takes precious time which we often just don’t have enough of. That’s why German with Ditto is the best solution for those of you who are busy but determined to learn the language to get better job prospects.

Sign up for an online German course with Ditto and you will soon discover that the language is not as difficult as you expected and you can learn it with pleasure. All classes are held on a state-of-the-art online meeting platform that enables direct audio and video contact with teachers and other students, and which our teachers use to present the most complex elements of the language in a clear, easy and fun way that will encourage you to learn and make swift progress.

The purpose of our online German courses is to enable easy and natural communication through practising new phrases and structures in life-like situations. We want to make sure that our students can speak fluently and naturally, and use German grammar without hesitation.

Do you want to start on online German course?

Ditto – German language courses online

With Ditto you can choose to learn in a mini-group or individually with a teacher.

Individual German courses online

A one-to-one German course means the syllabus, learning goals, and tasks fully tailored to your needs and possibilities for a maximum effect. Before your first lesson we carry out a careful needs analysis, ask how you like to learn most, and how much time you can spend on learning German on your own; we establish what memorization techniques are the most effective for you and what your biggest issues are in communication. The next step is to design a language course specially for you. Thanks to this approach after just one lesson you can feel your German improve, you gradually learn to express more, and feel more confident speaking German.

Learning German individually online with Ditto:

Learning German in a group with Ditto

Group courses

If you prefer to learn with company, try our group course of German online where each group is up to 4 people. Each course has a clear language goal of developing your language level and learning certain skills and knowledge. As a result, having completed a German course you can be assured of development which will allow you speak German fluently and with no stress. In the lessons our teachers make sure to motivate each and every student to participate in conversations by making them work in pairs, as the teacher listens on discretely, supports and gives continuous feedback. The course also includes learning to write emails, learning useful vocabulary for everyday communication, reading authentic German texts, and learning proper pronunciation – in other words all the skills you need to communicate in German with ease.

Learning German online – Ditto course levels

With Ditto you can learn German on every level: from the beginning – A1 courses for beginners, courses for those who have learned German before and are intermediate students on B1/B2 level, but want to revise and improve their language skills. We also have an offer for advanced students who want to improve their fluency – C1 and C2. The levels available at Ditto according to CEFR are: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2.

wykres poziomy kursów językowych online

Which course of German online is for you?

You want to learn German in an effective and communicative way, but you don’t know what level to start with? Contact us. We will ask you to do our online placement test and suggest the best level for you.

Learning German online – our suggestions


Absolutely, perhaps even more effective, since learning one-to-one or in a small group increases effectiveness. In addition, using interactive materials is more engaging, facilitates learning and remembering, and offers immediate feedback from the teacher.


Yes, each course is taught in real time by a Ditto teacher. The interaction with the teacher is exactly the same as in a traditional classroom, but we are in different places and use an online platform to communicate. This makes Ditto stand out from other language products online, such as recorded lessons or apps, with no live interaction. In Ditto courses the teachers watch over students’ progress, monitor their accuracy and support them every step of the way.


Our Ditto courses are available on every level of language competency, including beginners. Interactive materials, multimedia and a variety of tasks to practice vocabulary – these aspects of a beginners’ course will make learning German online effective and fun. Additionally, you have access to your recorded lesson which allow you to revise your language skills after every lesson.


In order to learn German online with Ditto, you will need a laptop, a tablet or a smartphone possibly earphones to reduce outside noises, a stable internet connection of at least 1 Megabit, and a willingness to learn. Before the first lesson just click on a link and put in a password you receive from us, and you can start learning German from wherever you are.


Yes, after each one-to-one or group course you will receive a certificate to show your progress. Your teacher will also prepare a detailed report with a description of your achievements.

Find out if learning German online is a solution for you – book a free online lesson.

Ditto offers free trial lessons – sign up for a free online lesson with a teacher to find out if learning German online is for you. In the lesson you will see how easy and intuitive the platform we use is and you will be able to see what techniques and tasks we use to teach you German.

Check out other language courses with Ditto

Start you adventure with Ditto

Go to our course creator – pick your course today, start learning tomorrow, get ahead with your career with German!

Ditto- Online Language School Karmelicka 45/6 31-128 Krakow, Poland